Tuesday, 4 April 2023

AT 9 - 4th April

 Sorry I was too tired to blog yesterday. 

Misty start with wet tent. Mist cleared and you could see the clouds below. Tough walk up to Kelly Knob, straight up no switchbacks. What was worse was the long long way down to Dicks Creek Gap. 

We arranged a B&B cabin for the 4 of us. The guy collected us an hour late. He was a lunatic, I’ve never really been scared driving fast but he was crazy. We showed and went to the local brewery and had beers and dinner. I was on the couch but it was so uncomfortable I blew up mattress and slept on the kitchen floor. Didn’t sleep well. 

Water source with leaf spout. 

May Apple


  1. Ah sorry you did not get a good night's sleep! Hope you enjoyed your meal and beers. Heading down south Tuesday for the day. Will be strange not popping in with you for dinner. Praying for you every day. Eimear

  2. Your doing great Stephen.keep the spirits up and listen to your body,check in with it before checking in with God as it only takes a few minutes few times a day.it tells you what you need.
    Regards Jackie
    Hi Eimear!


AT postscript

Hospital  Stopping walking was the hardest part of the AT. I had over a week with Matt and Mandy before heading home. My body reacted to sto...