Saturday, 26 August 2023

AT 150 - 25th August [196.7]


AT campsite near trailhead. 

Another amazing day. 2000 miles done, less than 200 to go, 150 days traveled, 64 years of age, it’s crazy, I can’t believe it. 

It started raining at midnight and still raining at breakfast. I stayed in shelter till 11 since it is only a short way to campsite. It was an amazing cliff to climb down to get to camp. I setup my tent and was going to head down to meet Jason but he arrived. He hikes in BBQ and deckchairs, deer steaks and hot dogs, salads and sweetcorn, beer and soft drinks. Vanilla joined us for dinner. I’d hiked with Vanilla back along the trail. We hiked the BBQ back to the car to save time tomorrow. We have two 4k mountains to get over tomorrow then into town for a real bed. 

Thought for the day. 

As I had time this morning I had extra time to read and reflect. One reading was about the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus. The reflection went on to say. 

“Only one leper returned to thank Jesus. I don’t want to be like the other nine. I need to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. My culture pushes me to focus on what I don’t have; a lifestyle of gratitude helps me to focus on what I do have. I want to break the hold of consumerism on my life by cultivating gratitude, giving thanks to Jesus on a regular basis for the life He has given me.”

The AT has taught me that you don’t need much to live and be content. I love the way it expressed the “culture of gratitude”. Let’s wake up and worship for all the good things God has provided for us, especially his Son. 

Another expression I read today was “the symphony of nature”. I’m certainly hearing, seeing and smelling that symphony of nature every day. Again it make we worship. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! Let's encourage one another to have that culture of gratitude!! Nxx


AT postscript

Hospital  Stopping walking was the hardest part of the AT. I had over a week with Matt and Mandy before heading home. My body reacted to sto...