Tuesday 12 September 2023

AT 168 - 12th September [Recovery day]



Matt & Mandy’s 

Some facts:-

2198.6 miles complete

6.5 million steps

84,797 floors

464,464 feet climbed (16 times Everest)

14 states:-

  • 1. Georgia
    2. North Carolina
    3. Tennessee
    4. Virginia
    5. West Virginia
    6. Maryland
    7. Pennsylvania
    8. New Jersey
    9. New York
    10. Connecticut
    11. Massachusetts
    12. Vermont
    13. New Hampshire
    14. Maine

4 pairs of shoes

3 loo rolls

4 bears spotted

4 rattle snake

2 copper head snakes

4 falls, including taken off feet at mt. Washington. 

0 blisters

34 lbs lost

Nearly 1 million calories burnt. 

Floods in NY. 

Rain, thunder and lightning.

People ask, why did you want to do the AT. I still have no answer. High Route had a friend who said it was hard, so his answer was always because it is hard!! 

Life on the trail is very simple, eat, walk, find flat ground to sleep on, survive and repeat. I’m wondering what returning to home and work will be like ? 

I enjoyed getting to know people on the trail because there was no pretence. Everyone was in the same boat, surviving. There was quite a bit of showing off in Georgia but that soon wore off and people became real. Everyone helped each other to achieve the goal, to finish. 

Rocket Sauce


Captain, Navigator and 3 Tack


AT postscript

Hospital  Stopping walking was the hardest part of the AT. I had over a week with Matt and Mandy before heading home. My body reacted to sto...