Friday, 12 May 2023

AT 47 - 12th May (534.1)

 Short hike to free shuttle into Marion VA. 

Eat eat eat, wash, shop, eat eat eat, sleep, then back on the trail. Met a lovely lady in town who did a tour and then dropped us to hotel. Room split with Boot Lips who is leaving trail tomorrow. 

We had another bear in camp and one of our 6 heard him and looked out and it was literally inches away from his face. He yelled and the bear sauntered off. All they want is food but the food is in a steel bear box.   

Mexican food tonight, because it is walking distance. 

Thought for the day. 

You meat all sorts on the trail. Some quiet who open up then you talk to them. Some loud, some shy, some weird, some maybe you’d prefer not to meet. But I’ve found never judge the book by its cover. It’s only when you get below the surface you discover who they are. I’ve cried with some, I’ve just said hello to some, some have gone a lot deeper. If you happen to meet more often or travel together you get a good chat. My latest group of 6, three are leaving tomorrow and one walked on and didn’t come to town. I’m sure lots of new faces tomorrow. I try and put the verse below into practice on the trail. Mind you most people need to forgive me (messing).

Luke 6:37

Judging Others

[37] “Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;

1 comment:

  1. What does walking distance mean now? J


AT postscript

Hospital  Stopping walking was the hardest part of the AT. I had over a week with Matt and Mandy before heading home. My body reacted to sto...