Saturday, 19 August 2023

AT 143 - 18th August [261.6]

Fryer Notch Lean To

Woke up with sore wrist after Mahoosuc Notch, first time that was sore, makes a change from legs. Had a buffet breakfast, lots of calories loaded. The receptionist was an AT hiker and offered us a lift to outfitters to get High Route new shoes and then 20 miles to AT. It’s amazing the people you meet. Good climb up to Baldpate East Peak. The top king section was 45 degree granite. Going up was fun especially in the drizzle but then coming down you had to trust your shoes. HR fell and grazed his knee and elbow. He struggled for the rest. Got to shelter (lean to) and decided that was it. Each mountain kicks your butt in different ways. Rained heavy in afternoon but we were safe in shelter. Because of possibly rain I stayed in shelter. Meeting Matt tomorrow with baby Bea, can’t wait to see them. Probably staying in Andover for the night, to let HR recover. 


  1. Must be amazing to walk above the tree line 🌲

  2. Hope HR recuperated quickly!! Nxx


AT postscript

Hospital  Stopping walking was the hardest part of the AT. I had over a week with Matt and Mandy before heading home. My body reacted to sto...